Quick update of August!

So I haven’t posted since end of July, kept meaning to but I just forgot! Oops.

Cats update firstly! They are now 3 years old!! They had their birthdays at the beginning of the month, my little baby boys are growing so quick! Oh unfortunately S had few fleas on him two weeks back so they had a flea tablet each as well as the doggo, one of them tablets where you can have it with other flea treatments. Think its because the cats were about a week late out of their schedule pattern with the vets ordering bugger-up problem. But hey, we was quick to sort the problem out at least so all is well. They have had their recent flea treatment again now also for this month. Not sure if I had mentioned in my last post, S is a littttle bit overweight, the vet was super nice to him about it though, think they get away with a lot because they are super cute and friendly. Ideal weight of their size is meant to be 4.5kg, however realistic weight for S is about 5kg because he’s always been a bit bigger, however with the hot weather we had just leading up to his vet appt, he wasn’t being as active (I mean who was?) so she was like well I understand why, but maybe cut back a bit on his food a little when its like that… have you met this cat?! He is VERY food orientated haha. Hopefully though now, as we have cut back a little bit on his food, and he is being active again with weather not being as hot he has pulled it back the weight. He was weighing at 5.6 or 5.7kg so he was becoming borderline chonky! 😬 I can’t remember what H was weighing last time we had weighed him, it was still 4 point something..

Anyone have any tips to weigh cats at home?

So as for my Mr M doggo, he’s been good. Had so many mini sleepovers now with a friend as well! They adore each other bless them. Plus the friend has grass in their garden which he LOVES. He hated the big heatwave we had, doesn’t cope well in the heat being an all black doggo. Recently he has gone off his bigger chewy bones, which is a bit concerning, its probably his gums at the back, he always had a bit of problem with them, I reckon he has made them bleed at some point so their bit tender. He is such a beautiful furbaby though still. Next month is his birthday, and we are off to go away (it more was coincidental it landed near his birthday. But we are off on a little weekend holiday, staying in the Uk still its just somewhere bit different and it allows dogs! Perfect. I’v asked my mother in law to come by the house for the cats, it’ll only be for two nights and we have camera’s in house anyhow connected to our phones. The cat-flap has good battery life left still to work properly, its a microchip flap, timed at schedule timings so its all good and planned out with them at least. M will love it going away with us!

As for myself and the hubby, we have had our first anniversary recently! 1 year married. Doesn’t really feel any different to be honest… we had been dating for so long and then living together as well for so long its like pretty much same just legalised and I have his surname. Still happy though is the main thing!

Hopefully won’t go as long next time in updates!